
Notable Ramen in Kyoto

Every city and district has it's favourite ramen noodle shop, but one that is widely accepted as a meimon (名門) or noted ramen shop in Kyoto is Tampopo located on Senbondori about 400 meters north from the intersection of Senbon and Kitaojidori. If you are in the city and have a craving for good unpretentious ramen with a nice chilli sauce served by friendly staff then this is the place to go.

Open daily:
Mon to Sat: 11:30〜01:00 (L.O.24:30)
Sun: 11:30〜15:00 & 17:00〜21:00

Address: 〒603-8245京都府京都市北区紫野西蓮台野町57
Tel: 075-493-8594

Map: http://r.tabelog.com/kyoto/A2605/A260501/26001890/dtlmap/

Also see: http://ramen.gnavi.co.jp/shop/jp/k245100n.htm#